Wednesday Services
Wednesday Services
5:00 PM - Dinner 6:15 PM - AWANA (Pre-K through 5th) 6:30 PM - Northside Students (6th - 12th) 6:30 PM - College and Young Adult 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study
5:00 PM - Dinner 6:15 PM - AWANA (Pre-K through 5th) 6:30 PM - Northside Students (6th - 12th) 6:30 PM - College and Young Adult 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study
5:00 PM - Dinner 6:15 PM - AWANA (Pre-K through 5th) 6:30 PM - Northside Students (6th - 12th) 6:30 PM - College and Young Adult 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study
Ladies, join us for a Mexican Food Potluck after the morning service. Bring your favorite dish!
W.I.S.E., or Women In Service Eternally is held on the second Monday of the month in the Women's Suite from 9:30 - 11:00 am. All women are invited to join us for a devotional, fellowship and a service project. God loves it when we serve. Contact Gayle Cooper or Jenny Watson with any questions.
5:00 PM - Dinner 6:15 PM - AWANA (Pre-K through 5th) 6:30 PM - Northside Students (6th - 12th) 6:30 PM - College and Young Adult 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study
5:00 PM - Dinner 6:15 PM - AWANA (Pre-K through 5th) 6:30 PM - Northside Students (6th - 12th) 6:30 PM - College and Young Adult 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study
5:00 PM - Dinner 6:15 PM - AWANA (Pre-K through 5th) 6:30 PM - Northside Students (6th - 12th) 6:30 PM - College and Young Adult 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study
5:00 PM - Dinner 6:15 PM - AWANA (Pre-K through 5th) 6:30 PM - Northside Students (6th - 12th) 6:30 PM - College and Young Adult 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study
1207 FM 980
Huntsville, TX. 77320
(936) 295-3667
Monday – Thursday:
8:00 am – 12:30 pm
1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Sundays & Wednesdays:
During Service Times
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