Northside Baptist Church is a relatively young congregation. The church was formed in 1983 by a small group of people who met in the living room of a local home. The church has grown and God has blessed in every way. When we come together to worship our God, we become the one body that He intends His church to be. We become family and that is exactly what we should be.
“The little church out on FM 980,” as Northside Baptist Church used to be referred to has grown into one of the area’s leading churches. We no longer meet in the small facilities that we started out in. Averaging around 600 people on Sunday morning from every walk of life, we can comfortably seat you and your family.
We have a wonderful gym with fantastic kitchen facilities where we prepare and serve meals on Wednesday nights and for special events. Our nursery facilities are modern and up to date with a more than adequate staff to care for your most precious family members. A modern tablet check-in system will add to your comfort and peace of mind as you entrust us with your children. Our children’s and youth facilities were designed and built with those ages in mind. They are comfortable spaces for our kids and students to interact with each other and grow closer to Christ. We have adult education for all ages and plenty of parking within a short distance to entrances of our facilities.
Located in Walker County just North of downtown Huntsville, Texas, you will find a home for your family! Come see us this Sunday or Wednesday and see for yourself. It has been said, “Seeing is believing.” So come, see and believe. You should come and see for yourself this Sunday! We can’t wait to see what God will do next!
Directions To NBC
From Huntsville:
Travel North on Ave. M from 11th St. Pass The Byrd Unit (on left). Cross over FM 2821 onto FM 247. At the first Stop Sign Turn Right onto FM 980. Church is 6 miles on left.
From Riverside:
Travel West on FM 980.
Church is approximately 10 miles on your right.
Growing People In Christ,
To Reach Others For Christ
What does “Growing People In Christ, To Reach Others For Christ” mean to us?
Growing People In Christ
We believe that it is our responsibility as ambassadors for Christ to help people become:
- Connected to Christ
- Connected to His Church
- Connected to their Community
Being Connected to Christ is the first step in any person’s lifelong journey of knowing and serving Christ. We believe scripture teaches that all people are born into a sinful life, and that sin separates us from the love and saving grace of God.
Humans have the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship was initiated with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and is completed upon our repentance of sin, confession of Jesus’ power over death, and belief in His identity as God in flesh. This belief in Jesus saves us from our sinful life and promises a life eternal in the presence of Jesus in Heaven.
Being Connected to His Church is the next step in a person’s journey with Christ. Being connected to His church gives us the regular opportunity to worship with other believers through praise, prayer and study of God’s Word. God’s plan for us always included relationships with others, for strength and encouragement, through regular meeting, worship and fellowship.
Finally, once a believer has spent time being discipled at church and through Christian relationships, it is our great opportunity to become part of God’s Kingdom work. Being connected to our community gives us the opportunity to be trusted to share this Good News. We are connected to our community through our lifestyle and service to community organizations and individuals.

To Reach Others For Christ
Where our personal growth is an inward focus, reaching others becomes an outward focus. At Northside Baptist Church, we accomplish this through local and foreign missions.
Local Missions
Over 20 years ago, we felt the Lord leading us to focus a large percentage of our mission efforts to the community that God has placed us in, Walker County, Texas. Instead of focusing the majority of our mission work outside of our community where we cannot be a consistent, active part of the work, God gave our church a vision to meet the needs of the residents of Walker County in very practical ways.
- Water Ministry
Throughout the course of a regular year, we give out over 25,000 bottles of water to individuals, community groups, school teams, first responders, hospital workers, and anyone else who can benefit from a bottle of water. Such a simple thing has such a huge impact when someone is thirsty.
- School Support
God continues to give us many opportunities to be involved in our local school districts in so many ways. We provide meals to several of the schools throughout the year for their faculty and staff. We support many of the school teams and organizations through donations and advertising. We were given the opportunity to “adopt” one of the local elementary schools to provide assistance throughout the year. God continually gives us the privilege of hosting many school organizations for their annual banquets, free of charge to them. We are also an active supporter of the A Time To Read program in our local schools. There really are too many things to list. We are so thankful for our relationship with the local school districts.
- Walker County Fair
One of our largest outreach events for the year is the Walker County Fair. We are involved in two main areas. First, we are involved in the annual BBQ Cookoff. We haven’t competed in years, but we still set up every year in the center of the BBQ area where we prepare and serve over 1,500 meals free of charge to everyone who attends. We cook 40-60 briskets, hundreds of pounds of sausage and chicken and 60-80 racks of ribs every year to give away! This is a great ministry for our church to be right in the middle of a secular BBQ Competition, in addition to serving the carnival and fair workers.
Secondly, we raise nearly $20,000 every year to go to the Premium Livestock and Supervised Projects and Freezer Sales to purchase projects that our local kids have worked so hard on.
- Host Church
God continues to bless us with wonderful facilities for our ministries on Sunday’s and Wednesday’s. We get the opportunity to host other ministries to use our facilities as a home-base for doing what God has called them to do. We have partnered with Kairos Prison Ministry which uses our facilities several times throughout the year for their weekend ministry events in our local prisons. We also have the opportunity many times throughout the year to host families who do not have a church home when they need a larger space to have funeral and memorial services.
- Care Center Huntsville
We are an active supporter of the Care Center of Texas, and have been for many years. We stand behind their mission of offering women an alternative to abortion.

Foreign Missions
Even though most of our efforts go towards local missions, we believe that it is our commission to also reach out of our local boundaries and serve around the world. There are several ways we are involved in foreign missions.
- Short Term Mission Trips
Our Student Ministry, College and Young Adult Ministry, and many of our adults have been involved in numerous short-term mission trips. Our Student Ministry has served many of the southern states in addition to Mexico and Canada. Our College and Young Adults have served in several US States and Panama.
- Mission Support
Northside Baptist Church is a regular supporter of God’s Redeeming Love International, a mission organization focused on sharing the love of God to Africa and South America. We have also been a regular supporter of an individual missionary in Southeast Asia. Several of our ministries, such as Northside KiDS, through Vacation Bible School offerings, and Women of Northside, through several of their programs, sponsor mission organizations who are aligned with our goal of reaching others for Christ.

These are just some of the ways that God has led us to be a part of both local and foreign missions as we make our best effort to Reach Others For Christ.